
Wednesday, July 26, 2017

Holbrook Farms Retreat

 Let me start off by saying, "Holbrook Farms was one of the best retreats I have ever been to" (que Kanye stealing mic from Tswizzle impression). :p But in all seriousness they set the bar high. The owners of the 8000 somewhat square foot cabin is owned by two insanely nice if they asked me to jump I'd ask how high kind of nice people and you know my ass doesn't jump for anyone, that should be evident by my stunning curvy figure lol. But no seriously these people bought a cabin with the intention of making it their forever home decided "Nah we have a different idea" took that home and decided to fly 10 military widows out every summer for free and let us all stay there. They fed us, planned awesome outdoor activities and some healing activities as well. I don't think I can say it any louder THESE TWO PEOPLE BROUGHT THIS TO US FREE OF CHARGE TO JUST GIVE BACK. It is different when it is an  organization working and whatever but this started off with two people who just wanted to give back. Like I'm sorry are you two angels? Is this real? Yes it was and yes they are.
 Let me start from the beginning. I was introduced to this retreat by a fellow widow who much like myself loves relaxing and doing outdoorsy type stuff, I like water things more than her but since she knows me she was like you need to go. I had been a little hesitant because P is only 4 months old and I was like "Damn am I a bad mom?" Then my lovely boyfriend reminded me that I am a total lunatic if I don't get my much needed widow time in. The retreats are designed to connect us and give us a break and a calm place to talk about our journeys without someone giving us the "OMG you're a widow stare" (Widow stare is a much more uncomfortable 'deer in the headlights' look). So i signed up and hoped that I would be accepted. Eventually I got the email I was going, got super excited and then found out I would not know anyone on this retreat. I like to call this my "oh shit" moment. So I usually know at least 1 other widow seeing as the more retreats you go to the more you see people again. Well not this time. *Que social anxiety. So I tried to ignore it and thought to myself well if they don't like you at least you can go buy wine, Wine loves you. ( I promise I am not an alcoholic...just seems that way..she says drinking her Mikes Hard lemonade). As the day grew closer the more anxious I got. "What if they're just flying you up there to kidnap you?" "What the hell is there to do in Minnesota?" "What if it turns into a horror movie'll be in the middle of nowhere on a lake...girl you have watched enough horror movies to know what happens next"...yea that is kind of how my brain works. But I ignored it and packed my bags.
 Day 1 (after almost missing both flights and having 1 panic attack) we arrive in an airport no bigger than a Walgreen's...I'm not kidding...Ok maybe two Walgreen's put together. As I am getting off the plane I hear "Oh you have a TAPS bag, you must be the other widow" Correct you are, I think as I meet the eyes of the ladies sitting across from me. My first thought "sweet I'm not the only one with tattoos". We do the usual meet and greets and head downtown to do some shopping and get some food while we wait for the others to arrive. We end up in downtown Fargo and let me say downtown Fargo has more bars in a small area then I've ever seen and I've been to Miami. So I taste the local apple cider ale, pretty yummy, then we move on to explore. About 100 feet down the street we run into a overly excited lady who stops us in our tracks (She was a meter maid...meter officer..meter whatever they're called now) and asks us if we know where we're going. We say just exploring and she runs and gets us a map. Sweet lady, weird experience since she practically yelled at us to stop but overall not bad. She gave us a brief history lesson and allowed us to move on our merry way. Fun fact the only places to get cool souvenirs in Fargo is A) the airport and B) Wal-mart. That fun fact is free ladies and gents, the next one will cost you.  So after we pick up the other ladies we headed back to the Cabin and I about fainted, like I said its like 8000 square feet of amazingness. They gave us tour, we did our introductions and they gave us the rest of the night to unwind and get to know each other. I sat by the fire and relaxed talked with some of the ladies and then went to bed.
Day 2 was spent doing paddle board yoga and then we had some fun at a different cabin. It was the Mother of the founder of the retreat. They had a boat, jet ski, paddle boards, other water sport stuff and free beer. So I had a fun day of water stuff plus day drinking and then some neat conversations. You will not starve if you are ever to go to this retreat. I don't think I have ever eaten that much food and I am from an Italian family. But it was a lovely day and I had a blast.
 After day 2 my days blended together, but we had a lovely dinner at a restaurant names Spanky's....It wasn't like you're thinking trust me I was thinking the same thing, it was pretty damn good food and I was rocking my outfit.
like look at that.Need I say more. And for those who actually know me, no I didn't fall. We had some very nice volunteers at the retreat who helped me in and out of the van. I took advantage of the fact that I was out and about. I never go out to where I need to dress up, I got some weird looks from the natives but its all good at least I gave them something to talk about. While at dinner the musician that was there played Piano Man which of course we all had to sing....loudly. Apparently we attracted the attention from a very drunk couple who asked if if we were celebrating a divorce. After telling him no, an awkward pause and praying they would scatter away to continue their drunk shenanigans elsewhere, we decided our new toast was "Cheers to not being divorced"-Widow Humor.  
A couple of glasses of wine, great food and a few inappropriate jokes about balls and our evening was coming to an end. After that we did some shopping and then I decided I was going to go for a walk on one of the little trails they have. First of all I learned that flys that bite absolutely love me a lot more than I love them....damn flys, second of all I apparently have learned nothing from horror movies because I went for a walk in the woods, in an unknown area, with my headphones, ALONE. In all fairness I did let people know where I was going "in case I don't come back" which they thought was funny. As I am walking (again with my headphones in) my thoughts went from "Wow nature is so pretty" to "Someone could totally be stalking me right now and I wouldn't even hear them because I am a dumbass and have my headphones in" and I know what you're thinking "Surely Rai you aren't that dumb" well you know I love to prove people's proof 
Here's the middle of nowhere with my headphones in, trying to take a photo with this weed thing I cant remember the name of trying to look cute. Yup proof of my stupidity. Either sarcasm or trying to be cute will kill me one day that's for sure. 
I connected with a few ladies towards the end of the retreat which was nice, they're all awesome but its hard for me sometimes. But overall everyone was pretty awesome. There was also a lady who volunteered who taught us a healing through writing course which of course like a dumb dumb I missed, but I did have the opportunity to talk to her after our Sunday night dinner (she gave me an extra workbook to help my writing). I told her about my blog and ultimately about my dream of creating a book for widows by widows, a collection of stories whether they be funny or sad, etc., but it could be a reminder that you're not alone. Well she loved the idea and wants to make it happen which is amazing because I never thought the idea would gain traction. Not only is she interested but the founder of the retreat wants to join in the adventure as well. LIKE ARE YOU KIDDING ME??? What an amazing opportunity and I hope that it turns out the way I want to. Here's to hoping <3 
 All the ladies with our wire art that they got for us. Mine said Peace :) I love it

 R.Riveter company which is a company made up entirely of military spouses make these wonderful handbags- check them out, they were on sharktank and their handbags are amazing

 Dinner with everyone plus the owner of the restaurant 

Me being dumb

Widow Sisters

The lake- Spent almost every morning down there drinking my coffee and talking with a few of the ladies.

Paddle board. My new favorite Hobby. 

 Thank you Holbrook Farms for giving me the weekend of my dreams. I will be back thats a promise. 
Thank you for reading and of course any questions are welcomed. If you are a military widow and would like to be a part of my collection of stories please feel free to email them to me so we can get this started.  LETS KICK THIS PIG! not literally..i love piggies. 

Monday, July 10, 2017

4th of july

It was an adventure for sure. Before I left i am pretty sure I googled everything possible on how to travel with an infant. My awesome co-worker warned me "she will shit and vomit everywhere be prepared...pack extra outfits and then pack one more. Pack extra for you too". So I did. The night before we left I put all the good vibes into the universe...please don't let me hate my child at the end of this. Kidding I could never hate her, her baby screams on the other hand I could do without. So with car packed and baby ready to go we got in the car and drove 14 hours. I swear my good vibes worked because she had no vomit and no blow outs. Thank you Jesus lol and she only fussed when we had about 2 hours left in the trip so we stopped and ate let her stretch. When we were done we wrapped Her up and she fell asleep. I am so lucky. I was preparing for disaster but she proved me wrong....thankfully.
  Our first day there was nice. Everyone wanted to hold her and swoon over the baby so I let them. Gave me time to eat and drink (#1 mom over here..hey mommy likes her drinks). It was good seeing family and interesting meeting new people...thats all I will say about that. With the exception of if you feel the need to insult Hispanics make sure there aren't any in the room...or that her momma who will kick your ass cant hear you. But I just keep my focus on my baby, talked about my job, compared gross work stories with my cousin and did my best not to let my anxiety get to me. There were a few times I needed to step away to calm down because I could feel it starting to brew but at least I caught it before it went into a full blown attack.
The ride home went better than the ride there. Athena slept a lot and just played with her toys. She's awesome. She did get constipated when we got home but other than that picture perfect. I couldn't have done it without bro either. She kept my anxiety down and made those saying racist comments incredibly uncomfortable which if you have never seen the look of someone realizing "oh i should watch what I say" come across their face, it's pretty amazing. He's my rock and I seriously would have been lost without him or my one aunt who helped me while I was there. You know who you are 💜 sorry for the short post I'll be able to write more later but for now it's work time.