
Thursday, August 24, 2017


So I posted my beginning story to the Survivors of Hero's facebook page that is the soft version of the book idea I talked about at Holbrook farms. I felt it was important to share my story because then it could make others feel more comfortable in doing so as well. But for those not on that page I wanted to give you the opportunity to read it if you wanted to so here it is, enjoy :)
 So here is my intro-First I would like to welcome you all to this crazy adventure and humoring me along the way. I sincerely look forward to reading your stories, hearing your music, and seeing your art. Whatever your muse maybe I look forward to seeing them. This project was started because someone took my wine fueled fantasy and told me it was a great idea. But I guess I should start from the beginning.
                Married at 19, to the love of my life Jeremiah “Jerry” Izquierdo Sancho,all we ever heard was “are you sure?” “This is a commitment, marriage is no joke” blah blah blah. We knew (despite our many ups and downs) at 16 we would be married as soon as we could. I was never perfect, who is? But in his eyes I was everything. He would always tell me how much his life made sense when I was in it. I remember the time we broke up, I broke his heart and was being selfish (something to this day I cannot forgive myself for it), he was sitting in the back seat of my car when “wait for you” by Elliott Yamin came on. I glanced in the rear view mirror, we made eye contact and he started mouthing the words. That image alone will never leave my mind. Anyway after realizing the stupid ass mistake I made I asked him to take me back, which he was waiting for. With a smile on his face he said only if you marry me, obviously I did, almost 2 months later.
                I packed my belongings and moved back to New York to be with him at his first duty station and our first apartment. From June until April it was just me and him. Sometimes just me because he would have to leave for a month for training, but he made sure to call me as much as he could and remind me of how beautiful I was in his eyes. Sometimes he would leave me notes throughout the house. They’d be in the fridge, bathroom, bedroom, etc. They were my favorite part of my day when I would find them. But the time came when we got the orders. Those damn deployment orders. I was 20 years old signing my husbands funeral arrangements because “You have better hand writing and if I die I want them to be able to read what I want” His favorite excuse, I always did things better than him he would say mostly so he could play xbox which I never minded. I remember calling my friends and telling them how scared I was “what if he doesn’t love me when he comes home” “what if he dies” “I don’t want to be a 21 year old widow” Well you can pretty much gather what happened next.

                October 15th I found out my husband was killed two days prior. I was numb. I would cry uncontrollably for a while and then stop. He was dead two days before any of us knew. Two days. I can still see the faces of my dad, my mother in law, my brother, sister, and our friends who just happened to be at my parent’s house that day. Their faces burned inside of my head. Their faces that sometimes come back to me in flashbacks or nightmares. And even when I could physically feel my heart breaking I was trying to comfort them. Go figure. I was told by a very young chaplain from the army, who was probably younger than me, that my husband died from wounds sustained from an IED attack and that he was the only casualty. I was always grateful that he was the only one as messed up as that sounds. I didn’t want anyone else to suffer the way I was. I wouldn’t wish that kind of pain onto anyone. I got drunk a lot after that. I did a lot of things after that to try and numb my pain. There was a time when just seeing pictures of him would cause this burning sensation in my chest and I would know it was time for pills or whiskey to ease my pain and help me sleep. I tried to be strong for my family. I would only cry at night In my bed, quietly as to not wake anyone. I would sometimes go for walks at 3 in the morning just so I could cry. I did not want to kill myself but I wasn’t trying to protect myself from harm either so take it for what you will. Eventually my dad sat me down and told me the drinking needed to stop, I listened, I knew Jerry would have been so disappointed to see me like that, so I did my best to best to do better. I started going to therapy (hit and miss), started working again, and started writing. It wasn’t two or three years after his death that I found TAPS and my life changed. From there came American widows project and then most recently Holbrook Farms. At Holbrook is where I was brave enough (after having some liquid courage) to tell a complete stranger about my blog, about my crazy idea to make a series of stories for widows by widows and maybe one day reach people who don’t know our stories. To show them that our pain is still here but were using it to try and change things. That even though I have had something incredibly devastating happen to me I can still smile, still have a good time and most importantly still laugh. Jerry would be proud of that, because even though I hate my laugh he always thought it was my best quality. This person who knew nothing more about me than that my husband was killed, had the faith in me to say “Lets do this”. So ladies and gents here we are. Writing is how I survive, I like to write about my sad times, my crazy widow moments and of course the times that make me laugh because those to me are most important. 

Sunday, August 20, 2017

Couldn't Make It Up If I Tried

 So last night I decided that I was going to go out with some co-workers to the bars in our very small downtown area for some drinks. Nothing fancy but its been a stressful few months and with the looming threat of Jerry's "angelversary" coming up I decided it would probably be nice to go out with the ladies.
 The night started off wonderfully. We all met up with each other at the main pub in town (and because I dont want to use anyones name just incase they dont want to be known in all of this I will just use letters) So we meet up and M's boyfriend meets some dude in the bathroom and they become besties so were all talking laughing and drinking. Then we decided to visit another friends friend at a bar, had more drinks bullshited, the usual and then we ended up at Meg o Mallys for some food. Our waitress was wonderful and our bartender was a dick. After that we walked around, visited some other bars in the area and then decided to make sure another coworker D got to her car and trying to keep her from making poor decisions. Well heres where the story gets interesting. So on our way were walking and this dude randomly pulls me aside and starts talking to me. Now it is very obvious that he has had some drinks and that he is very emotional. So being concerned I asked "you OK?" to which he responds "NO I AM NOT OK THEY ARE ARRESTING MY FRIEND BECAUSE HE THREW HIS DRINK OUT A SECOND TOO LATE AND BECAUSE HE HAS DARKER SKIN" *shook* The Cops are walking back over to him and were trying to calm this dude down so he himself isnt arrested. A couple of our friends bailed when they saw the cops and well I didnt feel right leaving this drunk dude sobbing on the sidewalk. So me,A and J sympathize with the guy, all of us have/are in bi-racial relationships and have had first hand experience with racism (whether that be the case here or not) and because he was drunk and emotional decided to try and make sure this drunk dude didnt A.Get arrested with his friend and B. Made it home ok. So we eventually calm him down some (not a lot-He was still yelling in the streets about how his dad is rich and how hes gonna get a lawyer to fuck them in the ass*side note really hard not to laugh when someone is yelling this...go a head and try*) and we start walking him home because he only lived a few blocks away. Now A is not someone to be fucked with. Shes not very tall but what she lacks in height she makes up for in strength, like legit when shes mad shes terrifying and J is 6'1'' and also intimidating AF, although as soon as you hear her talk she is the sweetest person in existence-still wouldnt fuck with her tho, So walking this very drunk dude home wasn't frightening to me at all and we wanted to make sure he made it ok. So were walking and he is telling us all about his "dark skin" friend (his words not mine). Talking about how they picked him because of his darker skin, how he just got a job in DC and now the police are trying to ruin his life with this charge,etc. And we are deeply sympathizing with him, no one wants their life to be ruined and this is his friend he cares deeply about. We continue to walk and listen to drunk dude vent about racism and because hes Jewish he cant really relate but he has friends who suffer and the world is evil, etc. All the mean while I am also keeping an eye on my surroundings and making sure I myself will not be murdered. Well then I notice a car pass by and then stop and make a U-turn. So Im thinking A. Were about to get kidnapped or B. its someone who knows this drunk dude. I see a guy lean his head out and call drunk dude whos name is Bobby apparently. Bobby realizes that his friend is not in fact arrested, but has been released and is sitting in front of him and loses his god damn mind. He drops to the ground crying thanking God his friend is ok,etc. And it would have been a really sweet moment for all except we noticed something about his "dark skin" friend. He wasnt dark skinned at all. I am looking at A and J while were simultaneously trying to load Bobby into the car, and I am saying "you see this white dude" with my eyes. Bobby and his friend are talking about Bobby says "I am so happy they released you because they're racists and only arrested you because you have darker skin" to which his friend responds "I am greek and Italian, Thanks Ladies have a good night" and they drive away. At this point all I could do was laugh my ass off. Now when you yourself are very white and saying your friend is dark skin I am expecting to see someone who is at least a smidge darker than you. We were all thinking "Ok this guy is african american or hispanic" Nope dude was as white as me. So our catchphrase for the remainder of the night was "fuck you Bobby" of "Fuckin Bobby". That ladies and Gents is some Downtown Melbourne Night on the town drinking stories I could not make up even if I tried.